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Read Captain Berz's White Paper: Understanding The Dangers of Concealed Carrying

Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle (Best Alaskan Bear Gun?)
Is Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle the best bear defense for Alaska and wilderness in general? I would argue, yes, the Marlin .45-70...

You Must Have THIS on Every Defense/Protection Gun!
The best defense/protection guns have lights on them. A light on a defensive/protection gun means you can identify potential risks. Like...

Glock, M&P, SIG & XD Suck For Wilderness Carry! (Bears, Mountain Lions, Etc.)
Do Glock, M&P, XD and SIG suck against bears and mountain lions for wilderness pistol carry? Dangerous game while backpacking means you...

Revolvers Better Than Semi-Auto for Wilderness Carry? (Bear, Moose, Mountain Lions)
Are Revolvers better than Semi-Automatic pistols like Glock 20 10MM? Not at all. Revolvers and semi-auto pistols like Glock 20+ years ago...
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