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Read Captain Berz's White Paper: Understanding The Dangers of Concealed Carrying

World War 3: Stockpiling Food (Do You Have Enough Food?)
With World War III (WWIII) upon us, are you prepared for World War III (WWIII)? While many countries are posturing and nuclear threats...

Best Way to Store Fuel Long Term (Emergency, Natural Disasters, Generators, Etc.)
Store your fuel long term for emergencies, natural disasters, generators, preppers, etc. To store fuel long term, best way, you have to...

Best Long Term Water Container! (Emergency, Natural Disaster, Preparedness, Prepping, World War 3!)
The best long term emergency preparedness prepper water container, at the moment, is the Scepter consumer grade. For $30 shipped to your...

Emergency Disaster Medical Kit: A DIY Guide!
Build a Medical Disaster Kit! Disasters happen. It could be a hurricane, tornado, flooding, armageddon, EMP, end of world, financial...

The $35 NBC Suit for SHTF! (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical & Epidemic Events)
Having something on hand, like an NBC suit, in case of SHTF, nuclear, biological, pandemic/epidemic or chemical events is something...

Long Term Water Storage: Water Preservers Are Bullshit!
So you hear all over the internet to use some sort of water preserver when storing water long term. Say you have some five gallon water...
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