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Read Captain Berz's White Paper: Understanding The Dangers of Concealed Carrying

#StormArea51 Means The First Alien Versus Human War?
People are going to, supposedly, storm Area 51 on September 20, 2019. While this is a joke, it does have over a million people confirmed...

One AR-15 To Rule Them All!
When we think about having only one AR-15, your mind might freak out. It might say "Yo bro, why limit yourself, you live in Merica!". But...

Modern Firestarter Kit (Survival, Camping, Backpacking, SHTF)
In todays world there are many options for making firestarting kits. I believe every backpack, disaster kit, etc. should contain a...

The $35 NBC Suit for SHTF! (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical & Epidemic Events)
Having something on hand, like an NBC suit, in case of SHTF, nuclear, biological, pandemic/epidemic or chemical events is something...

The 80/20 Prepper Rule for SHTF!
I have seen people get really specific when it comes to "SHTF". You have got to have everything and prepare for anything. It is really a...

SHTF/Emergency Backpack Setup Plan
I see lot's of videos and articles in relation to SHTF, emergency, natural disasters, nuclear attack, emp, etc. I always ask myself the...
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