Haley Strategic Disruptive Grey Cerakote on a Budget

Everyone knows about Haley Strategic Disruptive Grey Cerakote. Haley Strategic took a lot of time finding Disruptive Grey, and they feel Disruptive Grey is the best neutral color out there. I love the color and had my Glock 19 cerakoted Disruptive Grey. But I always have searched for the budget version, as cerakote is expensive! In my "Budget Jack Carbine AR-15 Build" video I detailed about this spray paint. It is a damn near identical match to Haley Strategic Disruptive Grey! Here it is, Dupli-Color Cast Coat Iron Engine Enamel with Ceramic. Get some if you always liked Haley Strategic Disruptive Grey and didn't have or want to spend the money! I have over 2,000 rounds through my Budget Jack Carbine AR-15 and it holds up well. Just oven cure it and paint it based on my other article 'How to Paint/Camo Guns & Rifles' (https://www.captainberz.com/single-post/2017/02/08/How-To-CamoPaint-Guns-Rifles)
Find DupliColor Cast Coat Iron Paint Here: http://amzn.to/2kTBhzF